Dec. 3: Homework 10 is available. Note that this homework is optional; if you choose to submit, this score will replace your lowest non-drop grade (assuming that it is higher than the other score). Note that at least one question from this homework will appear on your final exam, so you still want to complete and understand the problems, even if you don't submit them.
Nov. 19: Homework 9 is available; it will be due the Wednesday after the break at the start of class.
Nov. 15: I have to leave today before 2pm, so I will have office hours today from noon-1:30.
Nov. 7: Homework 8 is available; it will be due on Friday, Nov. 16.
Nov. 7: I will be canceling my office hours for tomorrow (Thursday), Nov. 8, due to illness. Please email me with any questions you have while studying.
Oct. 26: Homework 7 is available; it will be due on Monday, Nov. 5.
Oct. 12: Homework 6 is available; it is due after fall break, on Wednesday, Oct. 24, at the start of class.
Oct. 5: Homework 5 is available; it will be due next Friday at the start of class.
Sept. 27: There is a slight bug on the homework. I will not grade the proof in problem 6 that is required to show that n^2 log n is O(2^n), since that is actually a type and should have been 4^2. Apologies for any confusion; you may simpy omit that proof.
Sept. 22: Homework 4 is available; it will be due Friday at the start of class.
Sept. 21: The first midterm will be on Wednesday, Oct. 3. There will be an in class review on Monday, Oct. 1. Look for a sample midterm to be handed out in class sometime next week.
Sept. 14: Homework 3 is available; it will be due next Friday in class.
Sept. 7: Homework 2 is available; it will be due next Friday, Sept. 14, at the start of class.
Aug. 31: Homework 1 is available; it will be due next Friday, Sept. 7, at the start of class.
August 27: Homework 0 is available; it will be due on Friday, August 31, at the start of class.
August 22: Welcome to Math 135! Please be sure to read course policies carefully, and check this page daily for updates or announcements.