Dec. 5: Slight bug on homework 9: problem 1a should say decide how much of all 3 types of Duff to purchase, not just 2 of them.
Dec. 4: As promised, here is the extra credit programming assignment; we also have a local testing program you can use to check your solution. Your working code is due via email by Monday, with one submission per student (so no groups on this one); note that it must be working code to recieve credit.
Dec. 4: As a heads up, I'm feeling pretty awful today. We will have class, but please email to set up office hours (rather than relying on my posted hours) in the next few days, as I may stay home and rest if I'm not expecting students to stop by.
Dec 2: Homework 9 is now available; it is due either on paper at the start of class on Friday, Dec. 8, or you can present it orally to me that same day. No extensions will be allowed on this homework, since I plan to return it (for study purposes) on the last day of class.
Nov. 17: Homework 8 is now available; it will be due on the Wednesday after break, Nov. 29, by 5pm. Since I'll be out of town on Monday and Tuesday, I'll also plan to have office hours from 8-9am and 1-2pm that Wednesday.
Nov. 17: Please note that there will be no class on Monday, November 27 (after Thanksgiving break), as I will be out of town. Stay tuned for a reading assignment in place of lecture that day, which I'll post by Thanksgiving.
Nov. 8: HW7 is now available; it will be due next Friday, Nov. 17. This one will be graded orally, so please come prepared to sign up for a spot on Monday in class.
Nov. 1: Homework 6 is now available; it will be due on Wednesday, Nov. 8, on paper at the start of class. (Again, you're welcome to work in groups of up to 3 and submit a single solution.) To plan ahead, the homework 7 will be an oral grading assignment, with groups presenting on Friday, Nov. 17.
Oct. 20: Homework 5 is now available; it will be due on Monday, October 30, at the start of class. This one is due on paper, but you may still work in a group and submit a single solution set - just be sure you all understand the solutions.
Oct. 2: Homework 4 is now available; it will be due on Friday, Oct. 13, and will be an oral grading assignment. Please come ready to sign up for a presentation spot in class on Monday the 9th.
Oct. 2: The midterm exame will be in class on Wednesday, Oct. 18 (the week before fall break); the review session will be in class on Monday the 16th, and a sample exam will be handed out the week before for study purposes.
Sept. 22: HW3 is now available; it will be due Monday, Oct. 2. This will be on paper, so please bring a stapled copy of your answers (with at most 3 students per group submission) to class to hand in.
Sept. 15: HW2 is now available; it will be due next Friday, Sept. 22. This will be our first homework graded orally, so please come to class on Monday with your group's time constraints worked out, so we can sign up for time slots then.
Sept. 12: To simplify problem 1 on HW1, you may assume that n is a power of 2 (to avoid any floors or ceilings in your code).
Sept. 8: Apologies for the late notice, but I need to cancel my office hours this afternoon. I will have office hours as usual next Monday and Tuesday, and will set up extra office hours as needed on Wednesday to make these up.
Sept. 8: HW1 is now available; it will be due next Friday, Sept. 15, at the start of class. This one will be due on paper, but you may submit in groups of up to 3 students. As always, remember to document any sources or references you utilize, including other students in the course.
Sept. 1: Since we won't have class on Wednesday, you may submit the homework at the start of class on Friday next week instead. Please bring your HW0 to class next Friday already printed and stapled and ready to turn in!
Sept. 1: There will be no class next Wednesday, Sept. 6. (Class is also canceled on the 4th due to a holiday, but hopefully you knew that!) Since we will not have class, please read Sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.5; we'll have already covered 1.3 and 1.4 in class today, but you're also welcome to review them. Note that you are responsible for understanding this material moving forward, so bring any questions to class with you next Friday!
Aug. 29: Not sure if my tablet will cooperate tomorrow, so I've posted the empty lecture notes of what I plan to cover on the schedule page, under the lecture notes tab. Feel free to download or print ahead of time and just write in what I'll do on the board, if it would be helpful. The outline of Monday's has also been posted, so that those who missed the first day can get a sense of what we covered.
Aug. 28: Homework 0 is available; it will be due next Wednesday, Sept. 6, at the start of class.
Aug. 25: Welcome to Algorithms! Please make sure to read the course policies carefully, and remember to check this announcements section daily for new announcements or reminders.