March 31: As announced in class, there will be no class next Monday, 4/7, and office hours that day are cancelled and moved to Wednesday the 9th from 1-3pm. (We will have class and office hours as usual today though!)
March 26: For those who want to play with demos, I can recommend this website for shortest paths and for flows (our next chapter):
March 20: Office hours today are shifted slightly from the usual times: I'll be available from 1-2:30.
March 5: Tomorrow, a mid-semester evaluation will be coming to you all via email. This is nothing officially recorded, but is rather just a checkpoint for me, so I can get a sense of what is working and what you all are struggling with in the course. Please do complete it and give feedback, if you have thoughts on what is good or bad! I will use it to adjust course practices where I am able, in order to better support you, or can share information on why things are structured a particular way based on the comments.
March 5: Homework 5 is posted; it will be due the Friday after break, via Gradescope.
March 2: I have just postedsolutions to the practice midterm. In addition, all homework solutions up to HW4 are posted on the homework page. I am happy to discuss any questions about these during the review sesison in class on Monday.
Feb 21: The sample midterm exam is now available. Your exam will follow the same general format and topics, although of course the questions will differ! We will have a review session on Monday March 3 in class, so please bring your questions (on this or other subjects).
Feb. 21: Due to bug in gradescope settings, group submissions were not enabled on HW3. Please go back and tag your group members today if at all possible - I will not count these as late, since this was an error in the submissions system.
Feb. 19: HW 4 is posted. This will be our first orally graded homework! Please sign up for a group slot in Canvas, and register for a time on Wednesday 2/26, Thursday 2/27, or Friday 2/28 with your group. (See the Canvas announcement for more links on how to sign up for a spot.) I also recommend reviewing the "How to present" reminders on the Homework page at the bottom, to get familiar with format and expectations.
Feb. 12: HW 3 is posted, and the solutions for HW1 are now available.
Feb 3: HW 2 has been posted; you may work again in groups, and please submit on Canvas. Also, note that office hours for Matthew Eleazar have been moved permanently to be on Wednesday and Friday; see the course policies page for details.
Jan 31: HW0 solutions have been added to the homework page.
Jan 31: Reminder that office hours were moved to today (Friday) at 3:15 by TA Matthew Eleazar. Check the slack for details.
Jan 15: Due to flu and associated breathing issues, class will be on zoom today. Please check Canvas or slack for the announcement with details.
Jan 9: Welcome to Algorithms! I'll be using this page to post public information, including lecture notes and announcements; please check Canvas for homework submission and gradebook. Please make sure to read the course policies carefully, and remember to check this announcements section daily for new announcements or reminders.