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CSE 40113: Algorithms
Spring 2025

Here is this semester's tentative schedule; I will update it as the semester progresses. The listed sections refer to chapters or sections in the course textbook, Algorithms. Note that you are expected to complete some of these readings on Perusall as well! I'm just noting sections here for ease of later reference.

Here is this semester's tentative schedule; we will update it as the semester progresses.

Please note that lecture notes are provided as a supplement, and are NOT a substitute for attending lecture. In particular, these are not guaranteed, so expect technical difficulties to prevent them from being posted at least a few times in the semester; they also will not contain exercises whose solutions are worked out on the board in class. Please plan accordingly to either take notes or get them from a friend if necessary.
Date Topic Reading Lecture Notes Homework (if any)
Monday Jan. 13 Introduction and review Lecture notes HW0 released
Wednesday Jan. 15 Review: induction Lecture notes
Friday Jan. 17 Review: pseudocode and runtime Chapter 0 (on Persuall) Lecture notes
Wednesday Jan. 22 Recursion Sections 1.1-1.4 Lecture notes HW0 due, HW1 released
Friday Jan. 24 Solving recurrences Sections 1.5-1.7 Lecture notes
Monday Jan. 27 Recursion (cont) Sections 1.8-1.10
Wednesday Jan. 29 Backtracking Sections 2.1-2.4
Friday Jan. 31 Backtracking Sections 2.5-2.8 HW1 due, HW2 released
Monday Feb. 3 Dynamic Programming
Wednesday Feb. 5 Dynamic Programming
Friday Feb. 7 Dynamic Programming HW2 due, HW3 released
Monday Feb. 10 Dynamic Programming
Wednesday Feb. 12 Dynamic Programming
Friday Feb. 14 Greedy Algorithms
Monday Feb. 17 Greedy Algorithms HW 3 due, HW 4 released
Wednesday Feb. 19 Greedy Algorithms
Friday Feb. 21 Greedy Algorithms
Monday Feb. 24 Graphs: Intro
Wednesday Feb. 26 Graph: WFS HW4 due
Friday Feb. 28 Graphs: Connected components and reductions
Monday March 1 Review session
Exam on Tuesday, 8am, in 138 DeBartolo
Wednesday March 3 Graphs: Topological sort HW 5 released
Friday March 5 Graphs: Strong connectivity
Monday March 17 MSTs
Wednesday March 19 MSTs
Friday March 21 Shortest paths HW 5 due, HW 6 released
Monday March 24 Dijkstra's algorithm
Wednesday March 26 Bellman Ford
Friday March 28 All pairs shortest paths
Monday March 31 Max flow
Wednesday April 2 Flows: Ford Fulkerson
Friday April 4 Applications of flows
Monday April 7 Applications of flows
Wednesday April 9 Complexity and algorithms
Friday April 11 NP-Hardness
Monday April 14 NP-Hardness
Wednesday April 16 Linear Programming
Wednesday April 23 LP: Duality
Friday April 25 LP: Simplex
Monday April 28 Approximation
Wednesday April 30 Review in class