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CS 3200: Programming Lanugages
Spring 2020


We expect to have around 10-12 homework assignments during this course. Your lowest score will be dropped at the end of the course and your remaining scores will be averaged.

Please make sure you understand the policy towards Academic Integrity.

Homework assignments are due via email to the instructor by 11:59pm on the date specified. Late assignments will be penalized in accordance with our Late Policy.

The table below gives the assignments, and associated dates. All future dates/topics are tentative until such assignments are made available.

Assignment Topic Due Date How to submit
First essay Short technical opinion piece Wednesday, Jan. 22 PDF via email (or submit paper copy in class)
HW2 DFAs and NFAs (theory) Wednesday, Jan. 29 PDF via email (or submit paper copy in my mailbox)
HW3 Flex Monday Feb. 9 Submit via git by midnight
HW4 Parsing Friday, Feb. 21 PDF via email (or submit paper copy in my mailbox)
HW5 Scope and variables Monday, March 2 Hand in at the BEGINNING of class
HW6 Essay: investigate a new language Friday, March 20 PDF via email (or paper copy in mailbox)
HW7 Haskell: first functions Monday April 6 Check in code via git before midnight
HW8 Haskell functions Monday April 20 Check in code via git before midnight
HW9 Haskell data types Monday May 4 Check in code via git before midnight
Final essay Functional programming Monday May 11 Submit on class moodle