May 1: A set of final exam practice questions over the last few topics (treaps, hashing, Huffman trees, graphs, and sets) from the course is now avaiable. Note that this one isn't submitted or graded - these are provided to give you extra practice problems of the type which might appear on the exam only!
April 24: The final homework is now posted on ZyBooks; it will be due on Saturday, May 4.
April 14: As a couple of you pointed out, I had an incorrect due date/time for the most recent lab on ZyBooks. I have updated the due date for this lab to be tomrrow, Monday April 15 at 11:59pm, in the hopes that this gives everyone enough time, including those who gave up earlier today because they thought it was overdue. Sorry for the error on my part!
April 12: Homework 9 is now posted. It will be due via git on Wednesday, April 24. As with past projects, you may work with a partner on this homework.
March 29: Please remember that the second midterm will be on April 10 (while I am out of town), after the review session on April 8 in class.
March 27: Homework 8 is now posted. It will be due either on paper or via email (as a pdf only, please), by the start of class on April 8. Note that there will be NO extensions given for this homework, so plan accordingly! I'm expecting you'll be asking questions about it in the review session, so I will absolutely not accept anything via email with a timestamp later than 2:10pm, and I will ask the sub for the review sesison not to take any paper copies after he goes over the solutions.
March 27: I've fixed the link for the hw7 makefile, so you should be able to download and use it now! Just type "make BST" at the command prompt, after putting it in the same directory as your BinaryTree, BinarySearchTree, and testBST files.
March 22: Homework 7 is now posted; it is due via git (and is NOT on the zybook) on Saturday, March 30. Note that you are welcome to work with a partner on this assignment; if you do, only one partner should submit via their git repo, and you should clearly indicate BOTH partner's names in the readme file.
March 14: Homework 6 is posted in ZyBooks, and will be due on Sunday, March 24.
Feb. 28: There is a reading assignment due on Zybooks by tomorrow's class; homework 5 has also been posted, and will be due next Friday by midnight.
Feb. 15: The git student guide is now posted. Please try to get your personal repo synced through hopper this weekend, and let me know if you have any issues!
Feb. 13: I went ahead and posted homework 4. This one will be due on Saturday, Feb. 23. You must submit this one via git - expect instructions on how to sync your own git repo posted by this Friday. Note that you may work with a partner on this one (which is a large part of the reason to do git submission); if you do, only one of you should submit the files, and both partners names should be listed in the readme as well as in a comment at the top of your .h file.
Feb. 11: Apologies, but there was a bug in my code for HW 3! I've updated it, so if you pull a fresh copy of the code from the ZyBook, it should be correct. The errors were only in the copy constructor and operator= functions, so you can also keep your current version and just paste in the new versions of those 2 functions. (I'll also discuss in clsss, so you can fix it yourself if you'd prefer.)
Feb. 8: I just shifted the ZyBooks readings for next week around a bit; you now have two sections (covering stacks) due by Monday at 2pm, with two more (covering queues) due by Wednesday at 2pm. (The lab and hw3 have not been changed at all.)
Feb. 7: Homework 3 is now posted on ZyLabs; it will be due next Saturday, 2/16, by midnight.
Feb. 1: For Monday, Feb. 4, please remember that you have a reading assignment on ZyBooks, which is due by 2pm (before the start of class). The next programming assignment will be posted on Monday, after we start the next section.
Jan. 25: Homework 2 is now posted; problem 1 is to be done on paper and submitted at the start of class next Friday, and problem 2 is due on ZyLabs by midnight next Friday.
Jan. 25: Here is a brief guide to essential unix commands that Dr. Tourani put together, which may also be helpful.
Jan. 25: Here is one general Unix tutorial, for those who would like it. In addition, the department has some info on the systems here, or feel free to ask Dennis and the CS tutors for help with remote connection and compilation.
Jan. 25: Two minor reminders about the lab. First, they are not due until Sunday each week. It's my hope you can mostly finish during class, but please feel free to finish after class if it takes a bit longer! Also, please disregard any mention of the git submission for labs - that's a legacy from last year, and all of our labs will be submitted via the ZyBook.
Jan. 23: Just a reminder that we will have lab tomorrow; the prelab is due via email BEFORE 2pm. (After all, it is a PRElab.) The lab is posted on the course lab page, and is also posted in the ZyBook.
Jan. 15: As announced in class, please make sure you read through the first 10 pages of the transition guide, up until section 4, before class today, and make sure you have your ZyBook account ready for the lab on Thursday.
Jan. 14: The first reading assignment is posted through the ZyBook; please register for an account as soon as possible, and (once you have signed up for the class) it should listed as assigned. It is due by this Friday, Jan. 18, at the start of class (2pm).
Jan. 14: Here is the transition guide, which will serve as our textbook for the first few weeks of class.
Welcome to data structures! Please make sure to read the course policies carefully, and remember to check this announcements section daily for new announcements or reminders.