CS448. Lab 2: Stateful Firewalls

Largely adapted from lab materials created by Peter A. H. Peterson and Dr. Peter Reiher, UCLA {pahp, reiher}@cs.ucla.edu
  1. Overview
  2. Required Reading
    1. Firewalls
    2. Policy Design
    3. Firewall and Network Testing Tools
      1. iptables
      2. nmap
      3. ifconfig
      4. telnet
      5. netcat
  3. Assignment Instructions
    1. Setup
    2. Firewall Configuration
    3. Tips and Tricks
      1. Using environment variables
      2. Testing your firewall
    4. What Can Go Wrong
  4. Submission Instructions


The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to iptables firewalls.

After this exercise, you will:

  1. understand the basics of stateful firewalls
  2. be able to apply that knowledge to configure a basic firewall in Linux using iptables.

Assignment Instructions

You will be setting up a firewall according to the specifications listed below.


  1. Log into DETER.
  2. Create an instance of this exercise using /share/education/PermissionsFirewalls_UCLA/permissions.ns as your NS File.
    • In the "Idle-Swap" field, enter "1". This tells DETER to swap your experiment out if it is idle for more than one hour.

    • In the "Max. Duration" field, enter "6". This tells DETER to swap the experiment out after six hours.

  3. Swap in your new lab.
  4. After the experiment has finished swapping in, log in to the node via ssh.

Changes to DETER nodes are lost when the nodes are swapped out. This means that you must manually save your work between working on nodes in order to keep it. However, this exercise includes experimental scripts to help you save and restore your work.

Saving your Work

After completing the firewall-related execises on the server node, cd into the /root directory and execute the script /root/submit.sh; like this:

$ ./submit.sh

...it will make a tarball of all the relevant files and their permissions, including the firewall.sh script you have updated. You must copy or move the created tarball into your group directory, otherwise it will be lost upon swapout.

Where's my group directory?! Due to the way DETERLab works, your homedirs are not secure, regardless of the permissions you set there. If you have files relating to homework that should be private, you should store them in your group directory, not your home directory.

  1. On users, this is located in: /proj/UP-CS448/groups/groupname
  2. on the experimental nodes, this is located in /groups/UP-CS448/groupname

Files in these directories are readable only by your group members and administrators (everyone is in their own group, so really that means just you and the course administrators). This is important so that you can store homework files there, progress, etc., and not be giving your answers out to others. We will abide by the academic honesty policy so it is at least partly your responsibility to keep your work private.

Restoring Your Work

The experimental script /root/restore.sh on the server node, takes as input the path to a tarball created by submit.sh described above and restores the files to their proper locations on the system. This includes all the files you are asked to create or change, including the firewall.sh script.

WARNING: These scripts do not back up all arbitrary changes you may have made to the node (e.g., changing a peripheral configuration file), and it does not "merge" system files with submission files -- it only restores submission files copied by submit.sh. You shouldn't need to change anything else, but see submit.sh and restore.sh to see exactly what those scripts do, and do not delete any of your submission tarballs so that you can go back to an earlier version if need be.

To use the restore.sh, copy a tarball created by submit.sh into the /root/ directory and execute this command:

$ ./restore.sh username-permissions-123123123.tar.gz

You will be asked if you want to automatically overwrite files, and if you want to selectively restore some files and not others. The options are self-explanatory.

Finally, if you don't trust the scripts, you can always make your own backups into your group directory and restore them by hand if you prefer.

NOTE: You do not need to run the submit and restore scripts with sudo. However, if you use sudo to run submit.sh, your tarball will be named after the root user. This is OK -- just run sudo ./restore.sh root-permissions-2134234243.tar.gz.


Stateless Firewalls

In the late 1980s, the Internet was just beginning to grow beyond its early academic and governmental applications into the commercial and personal worlds. The Great Internet Worm in November of 1988 infected around 6,000 hosts (roughly 10% of the Internet) in the first major infection of its kind and helped to focus research and awareness on securing computers from unauthorized access. It was in this environment that the first firewalls were written about and developed at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) and Bell Labs (AT&T).

The first functional firewalls inspected individual packet headers without regard for established connections, other packets, or their contents. These kind of firewalls became known as "packet filters" because they literally filtered the packets one by one according to a set of criteria, not unlike a quality control inspector on an assembly line. For TCP and UDP, these criteria could be reduced essentially to the source and destination addresses and ports in the packet header. For example, a packet filter could reject or drop any packets destined for port 23 (telnet) on host from any address other than This kind of filter could rapidly and inexpensively inspect and classify packets without using much space (although they were not very "smart").

Unsurprisingly, simple packet filters are not adequate for many applications, such as the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), because these protocols open additional connections on random ports that can not be anticipated or recognized by the firewall since it does not understand or consider the state of any connection.

This kind of simple "packet filter" ultimately became known as a "stateless firewall".

Stateful Firewalls

"Stateful firewalls" arrived not long after "stateless firewalls". Stateful firewalls keep tables of network connections and states in memory in order to determine if a packet is part of a preexisting network connection, the start of a new and legitimate connection, or an unwanted or unrelated packet. This kind of firewall can recognize, for example, that a new connection on a random high port from a host with a preexisting FTP connection is a related connection and should be allowed. Another difference is that while a stateless firewall will allow all packets from acceptable hosts to an open port, a stateful firewall can be configured to allow packets to that port only if a legitimate TCP connection (or some other protocol) has already been established in some acceptable way. Understanding protocol state essentially gives stateful firewalls vastly more criteria in deciding whether to accept or reject a packet, which translates into finer granularity.

The cutting edge of firewall design today is what is called an "application-layer firewall", which is a firewall that performs "deep packet inspection". This means that the firewall is capable of looking not just at the header of the packets and the state of the connection, but at the payload of the packet in context of what the application processing the packets will do. For example, an application-layer firewall could be used to block Java applets from HTTP traffic by inspecting the packets and stripping Java code or dropping the packets entirely. In order to do this, it must understand what applet code looks like within the payload portion of any HTTP traffic stream. An application-layer firewall essentially has total control over the network stream, although this control comes at a significant expense in terms of CPU time and software complexity.

Most firewalls in use today lie somewhere between the stateful firewall and the application-layer firewall. These firewalls function essentially as a stateful firewall, but may understand enough of a few applications to perform some application-layer tasks. It is also common to couple a primarily stateful firewall (such as netfilter/iptables) with separate application layer firewalls for individual applications.

Firewall Policy Design

People imagine many different things when they hear the term "firewall" in the context of computer networking. Some envision an impenetrable wall of flame. A Hollywood screenwriter might envision Harrison Ford battling kidnappers. A mechanic might envision the wall between the engine and passenger compartment of a car. Yet mysteriously, every firewall is illustrated as a boring, red brick wall, typically with no fire in sight.

Actually, the brick wall isn't that strange -- the name "firewall" comes from the brick walls in buildings placed to stop the spread of a fire from one area to another. But no matter who you are or what you see in your minds eye, the conventional wisdom is that firewalls are used to "keep the bad stuff out," whether you're protecting your desktop PC at home, your office LAN, or the Pentagon. However, those of us in the field of computer security often see firewalls more as a means of keeping things in rather than keeping them out.

In one sense, these are two sides of the same coin -- but how you design something is (often unconsciously) directly related to how you view the problem, and this can lead to very different design choices when developing a firewall. The goal of "keeping things out" is by definition, exclusively concerned with keeping external attackers "outside" the system, with no regard for what is inside that is worth protecting, and without considering threats (intentional or unintentional) that are already inside, like malicious or foolish employees. This is only half the picture. In contrast, "keeping things in" by definition concerns itself with what is "inside" like sensitive data, privileged access, etc., and encourages the designer to consider all threats -- both internal and external -- against the protected resource.

Practically speaking, these two goals often result in different default policies. The goal of "keeping things out" often results in a policy that by default allows anything not considered to be a threat. This is called a default allow policy, and the classic example of this kind of firewall allows all outbound traffic, but only allows "untrusted" inbound traffic to special services, such as a web server (which is then responsible for its own security). This is better than nothing, but is hardly secure. If an attacker can trick someone inside into opening a trojan horse, the malicious software can exploit the liberal egress policy by making connections to a malicious host on the Internet, which can be used to send messages to the now-compromised system. Incidentally, this is how the firewalls on most home routers are designed.

On the other hand, the "keeping things in" policy usually results in a policy that by default denies everything, and allows only what is necessary for the proper functioning of a system. This embodies the principle of "least privilege" and in the context of a firewall is called a default deny policy. A firewall configured this way allows only the handful of things that are strictly required. This limits inbound traffic as before, but also only allows outbound traffic to carefully chosen targets. For example, this might only allow oubound traffic to a secured mail server, ssh server, and the few web servers required for an employee to accomplish their job. This drastically limits the means by which traffic can enter or leave the network, and if an employee executes a trojan as in the last example, that malicious software will not be able to contact its evil master because the malicious Internet host will almost certainly not be in the list of allowed outbound connections.

The obvious downside to a "default deny" firewall policy is maintenance and inconvenience -- it is harder to install in the first place, and any new network service or traffic type on the network must be explicitly allowed or it will not function. Allowing all outbound traffic significantly cuts down on this kind of maintenance -- at the cost of security.

Firewall and Network Testing Tools

iptables: set and clear rules in netfilter

iptables is actually the user space tool for administering the netfilter functions and tables in the Linux kernel, but the entire netfilter and iptables package is commonly referred to simply as iptables. iptables has several built-in tables of rules (such as filter and nat) , several built-in "chains" (which are sets of network traffic including the built-in INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD for inbound, outbound, and routed traffic), a set of powerful loadable modules of matching stateful filters, the typical set of stateless criteria (such as source, destination, and interface), and a set of targets that represent what to do with a matching packet. These options allow sophisticated firewalls to be defined.

iptables can be intimidating and confusing at first glance even for veteran sysadmins, but especially to users who are not used to configuring firewalls at all or are used to configuring firewalls through a GUI. iptables expressive plugins further complicate the syntax. A typical iptables command looks something like this:

$ iptables -t filter -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -s --dport 23 -j REJECT

Upon closer inspection, iptables is revealed to be merely a command whose arguments define a single rule for packet filtering based on a number of possible criteria. iptables takes those arguments translates them one command at a time into priority-ordered filter rules in the Linux kernel. Thinking of iptables as a command with arguments can help demystify netfilter and the process of designing firewalls with iptables -- let's break down the above iptables command and translate it into English:

iptables command arguments




We're going to use the iptables tool to insert a new rule into netfilter.

-t filter

This rule is going to go in the filter table, which is the built-in packet filtering table. This rule will apply only to:


packets that have been put into the INPUT chain either by the kernel or by some previous rule and which:

-m state --state NEW

represent a new connection,

-p tcp

are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) packets,


are from the host,

--dport 23

and are destined for port 23.


Reject any matching packet. Processing of all packets matching this rule will instantly jump to the built-in target REJECT, which means that the packet will be rejected by the kernel with some kind of network error message.

A few other examples:

$ iptables -p tcp --syn --dport 23 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 2 -j REJECT

This rule (from man iptables) allows 2 telnet connections per client host. Note that this rule uses the connlimit matching module, and rejects additional connections.

$ iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
$ iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT

These rules accepts any inbound or outbound traffic on the internal loopback network device (an internal, logical network adapter the kernel uses for network communication internal to the computer) regardless of state, protocol, source, or destination address. The -i lo and -o lo arguments specify the "input interface" and "output interface" the packet arrived on.


These rules accept all INBOUND and OUTBOUND traffic regardless of interface, address, port or protocol. They use the state matching module, but accept all NEW, RELATED, and ESTABLISHED packets (which is basically all traffic). This rule is basically like having no firewall at all!


Think of your firewall as a security checkpoint in a big office building. There's usually two lines -- one for people with IDs, and one for people without IDs. If someone already has an ID, they can skip the long line, and go through. If they don't, they have to wait to get an ID card or visitor's pass. This is analogous to the distinction between NEW traffic versus RELATED or ESTABLISHED traffic (which you usually see together). Traffic marked NEW doesn't have an ID badge yet, because it is the first packet of a new stream of traffic. On the other hand, a packet of a RELATED or ESTABLISHED stream is part of something that by definition has already come through the firewall in the past. In other words, the firewall has already given that stream a "badge" (which is really an entry in an internal firewall data structure).

Among other things, this means that firewalls are typically structured so that the first section passes all accepted RELATED,ESTABLISHED traffic first, and then carefully allows only certain kinds of NEW traffic. Why do it in that order?

While this brief introduction to iptables should point you in the right direction, there are other features of iptables not included here that you may want to use for the exercise. There are many HOWTOs, tips, and tutorials online in addition to the iptables manpage; the exercise manual assumes that in order to complete the iptables exercise, you will need to do some research on your own.

nmap: network mapping port scanner

Nmap (homepage) is a very popular "port scanner" that can be used to determine what kind of services are running on a remote or local host, perform OS fingerprinting, and many other tasks. Nmap is capable of performing many tasks in a "stealth mode" designed to not raise the suspicion of the victim, but some tasks require more obvious techniques.

Nmap is incredibly powerful, but the basic functionality of the application is easy to use:

$ sudo nmap yahoo.com

Starting Nmap 4.20 ( http://insecure.org ) at 2007-09-22 21:33 PDT
Warning: Hostname yahoo.com resolves to 2 IPs. Using
Interesting ports on w2.rc.vip.dcn.yahoo.com (
Not shown: 1694 filtered ports
25/tcp  open  smtp
80/tcp  open  http
443/tcp open  https

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 29.990 seconds

$ sudo nmap www.somehost.edu -P0
Starting Nmap 4.20 ( http://insecure.org ) at 2007-09-22 21:34 PDT
Interesting ports on dns.somehost.edu (33.xx.111.1):
Not shown: 1677 filtered ports
53/tcp   open   domain
80/tcp   open   http
443/tcp  open   https
2048/tcp open   dls-monitor
2049/tcp closed nfs
2053/tcp open   knetd
2064/tcp closed dnet-keyproxy
2065/tcp open   dlsrpn
2067/tcp open   dlswpn
2068/tcp open   advocentkvm
2105/tcp open   eklogin
2106/tcp open   ekshell
2108/tcp open   rkinit
2111/tcp open   kx
2112/tcp open   kip
2120/tcp open   kauth
2121/tcp open   ccproxy-ftp
2201/tcp open   ats
2232/tcp open   ivs-video
2241/tcp closed ivsd

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 32.385 seconds

See the Nmap manpage or online documentation for advanced features.

ifconfig: configure Linux network devices

ifconfig is the network interface configurator in Linux. It is most commonly used by users to see network addresses and statistics, but can also be used to enable and disable interfaces, set configuration options such as network addresses, and more.

For the purposes of this exercise, ifconfig will be used to determine what network addresses are running on what interfaces.

To see the current interface configurations:

$ ifconfig

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:5A:00:01:B3
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::200:5aff:fe00:1b3/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:1826346 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1887951 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:691689933 (659.6 MiB)  TX bytes:1037280707 (989.2 MiB)

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:13:D4:04:44:CA
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::213:d4ff:fe04:44ca/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:1165519 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1549057 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:428484191 (408.6 MiB)  TX bytes:1780325755 (1.6 GiB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:5808042 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:5808042 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:6895907043 (6.4 GiB)  TX bytes:6895907043 (6.4 GiB)

Note that eth0's address is, while eth1's address is This means that the two interfaces are on different networks.

telnet: cleartext remote shell

TELNET (TELe-NETwork) is a cleartext remote terminal protocol. On its face, telnet is very simple; the user issues commands over a TCP socket, and the server replies with the results of those commands and waits for more input. In practice, this is complicated with various network and terminal emulation layers. Still, telnet is one of the simplest and oldest network protocols still in use. Due to its cleartext nature and low level access to the system, telnet is incredibly insecure -- it was common in the past for system administrators to log in as root using telnet on a hub network connection that could be sniffed by any sufficiently prepared attacker.

Thanks to the advent of Secure Shell (ssh), active use of telnet servers has died off except for some specialized uses. One place where telnet lives on is debugging ASCII-based network services. For example, web pages can be retrieved by telnetting to HTTP servers, and emails can be sent by telnetting to SMTP servers.

Telnetting to a suspected open port is still one of the fastest ways to see if a service is available or reachable.

Here are a few sample uses of telnet:

$ telnet yahoo.com 80

Connected to yahoo.com.
Escape character is '^]'.

<html><head> ...[web page data] ...

Connection closed by foreign host.

$ telnet mailserver.net 25
Connected to mailserver.net.

Escape character is '^]'.
220 mailserver.net ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
HELO sender.net
250 sender.net
MAIL FROM: me@sender.net
250 Ok
RCPT TO: me@mailserver.net
250 Ok
354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
Subject: test mail message
test message

250 Ok: queued as 152CFB8802A

telnet> Connection closed.

You have mail in /var/mail/me
For this exercise, you will use telnet to test if a TCP port is open on a remote host. Telnetnetting to an IP and port (see above) should return a "connected" message if it is possible to connect to a running server.

netcat: a network swiss army knife

netcat (often nc on some systems) is a Unix utility for creating and using TCP and UDP sockets. In a very simplified way, netcat is like a telnet client and server without any built in protocol or terminal emulation. Another way of putting it is that netcat is the bare essentials for creating a TCP or UDP socket and client, with hooks for using standard in and standard out for IO.

There are too many cool uses of netcat to describe here. For the purposes of this exercise, we'll use netcat to create "fake" TCP or UDP servers that we can use to test firewall configurations.

Creating fake TCP/UDP servers with netcat

Starting a fake listening server (a program that will accept connections on a port) is as simple as running:

$ sudo nc -l 80         # we need sudo because 80 is a privileged port

... to start a listening TCP socket on port 80. Then, from the another host, you can either use telnet or nc to connect to the server you just started on the the first host. You should be able to type in one window and see output in the other if the network pipe is open.

Testing UDP services is exactly the same -- you can use netcat for that, too. You need to start a listening UDP process on the receiving side, and a sending process on the sending side. If you are testing UDP traffic from a client to a server, you can do something like this:

[server]$ nc -u -l 10000        # listen for UDP traffic on port 10000

Then on the client, do something like this:

[client]$ nc -u server 10000    # connect to server via UDP on port 10000

After establishing the connection, enter some data from standard input (probably your keyboard). Input on the sender should appear on the receiving terminal. Hit ^C to close the programs. UDP is of course an unreliable network protocol, so it's possible that there will be errors in the text file.

You can do any of this in reverse to test the connection from a server to a client. If you're able to transmit data, then the firewall is allowing communication.

Firewall Configuration

The test server has a totally permissive firewall installed -- it accepts all inbound and outbound traffic from all ports, protocols, addresses, interfaces, and states. This is basically like having no firewall at all.

Your task is to configure the firewall according to the principle of "least privilege". This means that it should be maximally restrictive while still permissive enough to allow a strictly defined set of tasks. While some of these rules can also be configured in the server software (this strategy is called defense in depth), we want you to implement the rules in iptables only -- do not reconfigure the underlying software.

The firewall has been copied into the directory /root/firewall/ along with a script called extingui.sh to "put out the fire" and clear all the rules in case you make a mistake. The firewall is not enabled by default -- to enforce the rules, execute:


... as the root user or using sudo:

sudo /root/firewall/firewall.sh

This will load the rules and start enforcing them. To make sure that you are removing all iptables rules, you should run extingui.sh in between every invocation of firewall.sh or rules might "stick around" which can be very confusing if you are trying to debug the system. This can be done like this as root (or with sudo as above):


If you make the server inaccessible with broken rules, don't worry -- you can reboot the node in the DETER console, and since the firewall is not enabled by default, you can log in in order to fix it. Your files will still be on the experimental node as long as you don't swap out the experiment. (Of course, you can permanently save your files in your home directory.)

Finally, only your final product is evaluated -- not the number of times you have to reboot the server. You should expect to lock yourself out a few times. :)

Here's what the firewall needs to do:

  1. passively ignore any traffic inbound to the interface that says it's coming from the server itself (obvious spoof attempt).

  2. The firewall only needs to limit the experimental network interface (the interface with the 10.1.x.x network). The interface is one of ethN and you can determine which one it is for your experimental node using the command ifconfig -- however note that this interface could change with a different experimental node. See below for instructions on using environment variables to define the experimental interface in your firewall.sh script.

  3. allow all established inbound and outbound traffic on the experimental network interface (the interface with the 10.1.x.x network) of all acceptable forms, which are described below:

  4. allow new connections on the experimental network (10.1.x.x) of these kinds:

    1. Inbound TCP connections to the OpenSSH, Apache, and MySQL servers on their standard ports.
      • The MySQL server should only accept connections from the client host.

    2. Inbound UDP connections to the ports 10000 to 10005 from the host client.

    3. Inbound ICMP ping requests and replies.

    4. Outbound TCP connections to any OpenSSH, SMTP, and Apache (on standard ports).
    5. Outbound UDP connections to the host client on ports 10006-10010

    6. Outbound ICMP ping requests and replies.

  5. passively ignore all other traffic. (Do not allow it or respond to it in any way.)

There are many online resources and tutorials for iptables configuration -- feel free to use them. Be aware, however, not all tutorials emphasize the principle of least privilege and may give you overly permissive advice! In order to properly configure the firewall, you must consider the basic ways the firewall can differentiate traffic and allow only the specific types you require to properly function.

Please read the helpful advice in the next section for configuring and testing your firewall.

Tips and Tricks

This section includes important rules and tips for making sure that your answers are correct.

1. Use Environment Variables in your firewall.sh!

Your firewall script is only supposed to limit the traffic on the "experimental network" interface, as opposed to including the "control network" of DETER. If you block the control network, you're likely to lose connection to your node, or shut off networked file systems, etc.

Unfortunately, different DETER nodes (the physical computers you are given) bring up their networks on different interfaces (and in general you can't control which nodes you get). This means that on one node, the experimental network might be on eth0, and on another node, it might be on eth4 (or any other ethN). This makes writing your script difficult because it is not 100% portable from one node to another.

However, we can use an environment variable to substitute in the right interface. In the firewall.sh script, there is a variable declaration:


You can use this variable with the token $ETH -- the shell will substitute in its value at runtime. Use ifconfig to make sure that ETH is set to the right value for your experimental node (or update it). For example, use ETH in a hypothetical iptables command like this:

iptables -A INPUT -i $ETH -j ACCEPT

This way, you only need to update the ETH variable if your interface changes, rather than every iptables call that specifies an interface.

2. How to test your firewall

Testing your firewall is easy; you just need to make all the necessary network connections to verify that they work, and perhaps some other testing to show that the deny rules also work. Telnet isn't good for much anymore, but testing network services is one of the few remaning places where it shines.

You may have noticed that this experiment swaps in two nodes instead of one. One will be called client and the other will be called server. server is the node with the firewall and resources you want to protect, but you can use client to check to see if the firewall is doing its job. You can also use client as a target to see if the server's outbound rules are functioning properly, using tools such as nmap, telnet, nc, and others in the network tools portion of this document.

To test apache, mysql, ssh, and ping on the server, execute these commands from client. This does not test full correctness -- it only tests to see if you can actually access the services required. If you see similar output (as opposed to nothing or errors), the services are running.


[client]$ telnet server 80              #testing apache

Connected to server.
Escape character is '^]'.
^]                                      #hit control-] to escape
telnet> quit
Connection closed.

[client]$ telnet server 3306            #testing mysql
Connected to server.           # if you see this, you're connected
Escape character is '^]'.

[possibly some garbage or the server may disconnect you automatically]
telnet> quit

Connection closed.

Note: The MySQL server has its own internal permissions system -- so it may not like your client, or your IP address -- but if you see "Connected to..." or receive messages back from the MySQL server (even if the messages say "access denied" -- you are able to contact the server. iptables/netfilter does not send error messages to clients!

[client]$ telnet server 22              #testing ssh
Connected to server.
Escape character is '^]'.

telnet> quit
Connection closed.

Testing ping is dead simple:

[client]$ ping server
PING server-link0 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from server-link0 ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.14 ms
--- server-link0 ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.140/1.140/1.140/0.000 ms, pipe 2

Of course, to test that in the other direction, just do ping client from the server.

Testing outbound services from the server is a bit harder, because DETER is a secure testbed and won't let you actually get out to the Internet. But we can fake some services running on the client to test. See our discussion of netcat for more information.

What can go wrong

Your firewall cuts off your access to the node.

If you have misconfigured your firewall, and it "locks you out," you can try to reboot your experimental nodes using the DETER interface. If that does not work, you will need to swap your nodes out and back in again, but beware that swapping your nodes out will destroy any work you have not backed up in your home directory.

Make sure you are using the environment variable to define the interface you are restricting -- this will help keep you from getting "locked out." See the tips and tricks section for more information.

Submission Instructions

Submit a tarball created by submit.sh to your instructor. You must use a tarball created by this script so that it will correctly save the permissions of the directories.