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CS 314: Algorithms
Spring 2010

Erin Chambers
Contact Info: echambe5 - at -
Office: 011 Ritter Hall
Office Hours: Monday 10-11:30am, Thursday 1-2pm

Here is this semester's tentative schedule; we will update it as the semester progresses. The listed sections refer to the course textbook by Kleinberg and Tardos; all notes come from Jeff Erickson's algorithms notes.

Date Topic Reading Lecture Notes Problem session (if any)
Jan 11 Syllabus, big-O review Any discrete math book Lecture 1  
Jan 13 Induction Any discrete math book Lecture 2  
Jan 15 Recurrences Recurrences Lecture 3  
Jan 18 No class - MLK day  
Jan 20 Heaps (and pseudocode) Section 2.5 Lecture 4  
Jan 22 Intro to graphs Chapter 3.1
Graph notes
Lecture 5  
Jan 25 Breadth First Search Chapter 3.2
Graph notes
Lecture 6  
Jan 27 Depth First Search Chapter 3.3, 3.4
Graph notes
Lecture 7  
Jan 29 Divide and Conquer:
Subset Sum
Divide and Conquer Notes, Sec. 2.2 Lecture 8  
Feb 1 Divide and Conquer:
Counting inversions
Chapter 5.2-5.3 of book Lecture 9  
Feb 3 Divide and Conquer:
Closest Pair of Points
Chapter 5.4 of book Lecture 10  
Feb 5 Divide and Conquer:
Lecture Notes on Recursion, Sections 1.7 and 1.8 Lecture 11  
Feb 8 Greedy Algorithms:
Interval Scheduling
Chapter 4.1 of book
Lecture Notes on Greedy Algorithms, Section 4.2
Lecture 12  
Feb 10 Greedy Algorithms:
Processor Scheduling
Chapter 4.2 of book Lecture 13  
Feb 12 Greedy Algorithms:
Huffman codes
Lecture Notes on Greedy Algorithms, Section 4.4 Lecture 14  
Feb 15 Greedy Algorithms:
Huffman codes
Shortest Paths
Lecture Notes on Greedy Algorithms, Section 4.4 Lecture 15  
Feb 17 Greedy Algorithms:
Shortest Paths
Chapter 4.4 of book Lecture 16  
Feb 19 Greedy Algorithms:
Minimum Spanning Trees
Chapter 4.5 of book Lecture 17  
Feb 22 Union-Find Union Find notes
Chapter 4.6 of text
Lecture 18  
Feb 24 Dynamic Programming: Intro Chapter 6.1 of book
Dynamic Programming Notes, Sec. 3.1-3.4
Lecture 19  
Feb 26 Dynamic Programming:
Edit Distance
Sec. 3.5 of Dynamic Programming Notes Lecture 20  
March 1 DP: Longest Increasing Subsequence Sec. 3.9.2 of Dynamic Programming Notes Lecture 21  
March 3 DP: Independent Set Sec. 3.7 of Dynamic Programming Notes Lecture 22  
March 5 DP: Subset Sum
The Halting Problem
Sec. 3.9.1 of Dynamic Programming Notes Lecture 23  
March 15 Problem Session Day Worksheet
March 17 Review Session in class  
March 19 Midterm  
March 22 Recap of midterm
P versus NP
NP-Hardness Notes, Sec. 1-3
Chapter 8 of book
Lecture 24
March 24 Satisfiability and Reductions NP-Hardness Notes, Sec. 4-5
Chpater 8 of book
Lecture 25  
March 26 More reductions NP-Hardness Notes
Chpater 8 of book
Lecture 26  
March 29 Graph reductions NP-Hardness Notes
Chapter 8 of book
Lecture 27
March 31 Work day on reductions NP-Hardness Notes
Chpater 8 of book
April 2 No class Off for Good Friday  
April 5 No class Off for Easter Monday  
April 7 Approximation: Minimizing makespan Approximation Notes
Chapter 11.1 of book
Lecture 28
April 9 Approximation: Vertex Cover Approximation Notes Lecture 29
April 12 Approximation: TSP Approximation Notes Lecture 30
April 14 Network Flow: Part 1 Chapter 7 of text
Max Flow Notes
Lecture 31
April 16 Network Flow: Part 2 Chapter 7 of text
Max Flow Algorithms
Lecture 32
April 19 Network Flow Applications Chapter 7 of text Lecture 33
April 21 Circulations Chapter 7 of text Lecture 34
April 23 More Network Flow applications Chapter 7 of text Lecture 35