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CS 3100: Algorithms
Fall 2019

Here is this semester's tentative schedule; I will update it as the semester progresses. The listed sections refer to chapters or sections in the course textbook, Algorithms. Note that you are expected to complete some of these readings on Perusall as well! I'm just noting sections here for ease of later reference.

Please note that all lectures notes are provided as a resource, not a substitution for attending class! In particular, my tablet will inevitably fail at least a few times this semester, and you should be prepared to do extra reading and/or meet with a friend to get notes that you missed if you are gone. (And if anyone complains about my handwriting, then I'll stop posting them!)
Date Topic Reading Lecture Notes Worksheets (if any)
Mon Aug. 26 -
Fri Aug 30
No class
(see email for details)
Chapters 0 and 1
(check Perusall dates)
Wednesday, Sept. 4 Recursion Sections 1.6 and 1.7 Lecture Notes
Friday, Sept. 6 More recursion Sections 1.6 and 1.7 Lecture Notes
Monday, Sept. 9 Recursion:
Recursion trees
fast multiplication
Sections 1.7, 1.9 Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Sept. 11 Recursion: Median selection
Backtracking: intro
Sections 1.8, 2.4 Lecture Notes
Friday, Sept. 13 Backtracking: subset sum
Text segmentation
Sections 2.3, 2.5 Lecture Notes
Monday, Sept. 16 Dynamic Programming intro
Recap of backgracking
Sections 3.1,3.3 Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Sept. 18 DP: LIS Sections 3.4-3.6 Lecture Notes
Friday, Sept. 20 DP: LIS, Edit distance Sections 3.6,3.7 Lecture Notes
Monday, Sept. 23 DP: Edit distance Section 3.7 Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Sept. 25 DP: Binary Trees Section 3.9 Lecture Notes
Friday, Sept. 27 Greedy: scheduling Section 4.2 Lecture Notes
Monday, Sept. 30 Greedy: Huffman trees Section 4.4 Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Oct. 2 Greedy: Huffman trees (finishing) Section 4.4 Lecture Notes
Friday, Oct. 4 Problem session day Worksheet
Monday, Oct. 7 Graphs: intro Sections 5.1-5.4 Lecture Notes
Monday, Oct. 14 Graphs: BFS and DFS Section 5.5 and 5.6 Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Oct. 16 Graphs: Connected components and reductions Section 5.7 and 5.8 Lecture Notes
Friday, Oct. 18 MSTs Section 7.1-7.3 Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Oct. 23 MST algorithms Section 7.4 and 7.5 Lecture Notes
Friday, Oct. 25 Flows and Cuts Sections 10.1 and 10.2 Lecture Notes
Monday, Oct. 28 Max flow and min cut duality Section 10.3 Lecture Notes
Monday, Nov. 4 Ford Fulkerson Section 10.4 Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Nov. 6 More flow algorithms Section 10.6 and 10.7 Lecture Notes
Friday, Nov. 8 Shortest paths Sections 8.1-8.4 Lecture Notes
Monday, Nov. 11 Dijkstra's algorithm Sections 8.5-8.6 Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Nov. 13 Bellman-Ford Sections 8.7 Lecture Notes
Friday, Nov. 15 Hardness and complexity Sections 12.1-12.3 Lecture Notes
Monday, Nov. 18 NP-Hardness: Cook's theorem Sections 12.4-12.5 Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Nov. 20 NP-Hardness: Reductions Sections 12.6-12.8 Lecture Notes
Friday, Nov. 22 More reductions Sections 12.9-12.10 Lecture Notes
Monday, Nov. 25 Non-graph reductions Sections 12.11-12.13 Lecture Notes
Monday, Dec. 2 Linear programming Dasgupta book (Chapter 7) Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Dec. 4 LP: Duality Dasgupta chapter Lecture Notes
Friday, Dec. 6 LP: Simplex Lecture Notes