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CS 3100: Algorithms
Fall 2017

Here is this semester's tentative schedule; I will update it as the semester progresses. The listed sections refer to the course textbook; all notes come from Jeff Erickson's algorithms notes.

Please note that all lectures notes are provided as a resource, not a substitution for attending class! In particular, my tablet will inevitably lose notes at least a few times this semester, and you should be prepared to do extra reading and/or meet with a friend to get notes that you missed if you are gone.
Date Topic Reading Lecture Notes Problem session (if any)
Monday, Aug. 28 Syllabus, big-O review Intro to algorithms Lecture Notes  
Wednesday, Aug. 30 Big-o and induction Induction
Lecture Notes  
Friday, Sept. 1 Recurrences and Recursion Recurrences
Lecture Notes  
Friday, Sept. 8 Recursion Recursion
Lecture Notes  
Monday, Sept. 11 Recursion
Dynamic Programming
Dynamic Programming
Lecture Notes  
Wednesday, Sept. 13 Dynamic Programming Dynamic Programming Lecture Notes  
Friday, Sept. 15 Dynamic Programming Dynamic Programming Lecture Notes  
Monday, Sept. 18 Dynamic Programming problem session Worksheet
Wednesday, Sept. 20 Greedy algorithms Greedy Algorithms Lecture Notes  
Friday, Sept. 22 Greedy algorithms Greedy Algorithms Lecture Notes  
Monday, Sept. 25 Greedy algorithms Greedy Algorithms Lecture Notes  
Wednesday, Sept. 27 Greedy problem session Worksheet
Friday, Sept. 29 Graph algorithms: BFS and DFS Graph representations and traversals Lecture Notes  
Monday, Oct. 2 Graph algorithms: BFS, MST Graph representations and traversals
Minimum Spanning Trees
Lecture Notes  
Wednesday, Oct. 4 Graph algorithms: MST, SPSS Minimum Spanning Trees Lecture Notes  
Friday, Oct. 6 Graph algorithms: SPSS Shortest path trees Lecture Notes  
Monday, Oct. 9 Graphs problem session Worksheet
Wednesday, Oct. 11 Flows and cuts Max flow notes Lecture Notes  
Friday, Oct. 13 Computing max flows Max flow notes Lecture Notes  
Monday, Oct. 16 Review for midterm  
Wednesday, Oct. 18 Midterm exam  
Friday, Oct. 20 Applications of flows Flow applications Lecture Notes  
Wednesday, Oct. 25 Recap of midterm
More applications of flows
Flow applications On board  
Friday, Oct. 27 Flows problem session Worksheet
Monday, Oct. 30 Hardness and undecidability Reading on NP-Hardness
The Halting Problem
Layman's explanation of the halting problem
A P versus NP fairytale: the llamas of compuiting
Lecture Notes  
Wednesday, Nov. 1 NP-Hardness Reading on NP-Hardness Lecture Notes  
Friday, Nov. 3 NP-Hardness: Graph problems Reading on NP-Hardness Lecture Notes  
Monday, Nov. 6 NP-Hardness: Numeric problems Reading on NP-Hardness Lecture Notes  
Wednesday, Nov. 8 NP-Hardness: problem session Problems
Friday, Nov. 10 Intro to approxmiation Reading on approximation Lecture Notes  
Monday, Nov. 13 Approxmiation algorithms Reading on approximation Lecture Notes  
Wednesday, Nov. 15 More approximatrion Reading on approximation Lecture Notes  
Friday, Nov. 17 Problem session day: approximation Problems
Monday, Nov. 20 Intro to Linear Programming Intro to LP section Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Nov. 29 Linear Programming Intro to LP Lecture Notes
Friday, Dec. 1 Linear Programming: Simplex Simplex algorithms Lecture Notes
Monday, Dec. 4 Cryptography: Intro and AES Lecture Notes
Wednesday, Dec. 6 Diffie Hellman key exchange Lecture Notes
Friday, Dec. 8 RSA and primality testing Nice introduction Lecture Notes