Please see the general programming webpage for details about the programming environment for this course, guidelines for programming style, and details on electronic submission of assignments.
The only file you will need for this assignment is the List.h file that we wrote in class. Our testList.cpp file might also be of use as a starting point for your test file.
For this assignment, you must work indivicually on your program.
Please make sure you adhere to the policies on academic integrity in this regard.
Similar to our last program with vectors, we will add some functionality to our list class written during lecture.
Please write the following functions described below in our Vector.h file. (Please download List.h from the course schedule webpage and insert your functions into this class, then submit the entire Vector.h file via email by the due date.)
Removes the earlist occurance of value present in the list.
Count the number of occurances of value present in the list.
Moves elements from list other into the current list before the specified position, effectively inserting the specified elements into the list and removing them from other.
This increases _size by the size that other (initially) was, and reduces the size of other to 0 ( whenever other is not the same as *this ).
The operation does not involve the construction or destruction of any element object, and it is performed in constant time. (So back to the pointers.)
Source Code
Submit your revised Vector.h file.
Test file
Submit your revised testVector.cpp file.
"readme" file
An overview of your
final product (including comments on how you tested your code), and any further comments you
wish to make to the grader.
The assignment is worth 10 points. One point will be based on a checkpoint with the instructor on Nov. 1, at which time you will be expected to have completed at least 15 lines of code for the assignment. One point will be based on your testList.cpp file. The remaining 8 points will be based on the assigned functions (including commenting, indenting, and meaningful variable names).