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CS 140: Introduction to Computer Science
Fall 2011
MWF 1-2pm, locaiton TBD

Erin Chambers
Contact Info: echambe5 - at -
Office: 011 Ritter Hall
Office Hours: 2-4pm Monday, 9-10 Thursday


We expect to have 10-12 homework assignments during this course. Your lowest score will be dropped at the end of the course and your remaining scores will be averaged.

Please make sure you understand the policy towards Academic Integrity.

Homework assignments are due via email to the instructor by 11:59pm on the date specified. Late assignments will not be accepted in accordance with our Late Policy.

The table below gives the assignments, and associated dates. All future dates/topics are tentative until such assignments are made available.

Assignment Topic Due by 1pm Solutions
Homework 1 Chapter 1 and the digital divide Sept. 12 None
Homework 2 Number Systems Sept. 18 Coming soon
Homework 3 Representing data and boolean formulas Sept. 26 Coming soon
Homework 4 Machine code and assmebly Oct. 12 Coming soon
Homework 6 Algorithms Oct. 26 Coming soon
Homework 7 Data Structures Coming soon
Homework 8 OS and Networks Nov. 18 Coming soon

Erin Chambers
CS 140, Fall 2011